*、This series car washing equipment is a product most recently manufactured by our company and has been promoted into the market completely, which shows the highest technology and the strongest technology research and development capacity of our company, a leader of the global car washing industry.
*、This series model uses individual and strong high-pressure water injection system; furthermore, all its cleaning main structures use complete swing type design, which can guarantee that the car washing can obtain the most gentle state and safest and most stable technical support. Additionally, all brush hair systems are equipped with individual water spray structure, which can protect car surface more safely.

*、This model is swing arm design with advantages such as small space occupation, small investment, quick cleaning speed, and streamline cleaning principle, etc. and is recognized, promoted and used by many small-scale car washes.
*、It is suitable for the cleaning, waxing, air drying, and hub cleaning of box cars such as limousine, jeep, and microbus, etc. and can be equipped with chassis cleaning and high-pressure water spray system additionally according to the requirements put forward by customers.
*、You can win profit easily even though you use the shortest conveying belt; furthermore, you can increase cleaning capacity without limit with your advantageous cleaning brush. The same design of components guarantees easiness and variety of services. Each brushing station is designed with self-sufficient framework. You can select the quantity and sequence of side and top brushes and add and install the quantity of subassemblies necessary to be connected and used without limit. The autarkic controller can even help you to connect and use the subassemblies manufactured by other manufacturers.
*、The conveying belt of 13m in total length and transfer speed of 5.5m/min can guarantee throughput of 45 cars per hour.
*、The rotary roller of depressed wheel centralizer can help car driving; the antiknock and passage safety facilities can provide safety guarantee for cleaning.
*、Powerful high-pressure cleaning: the side nozzle and top profile-modeling nozzle installed on the top can remove inflexible blot. The high-pressure injection can clean the parts difficult to clean more effectively, which owes to the design of water supply system of 4KW water pump and 90bar/170-320L/min.
*、The years of experiences pool into the present development, which guarantees the best program function and brings high-efficiency performance and best cleaning effect.

*、The design of the equipment complies with your requirements and will provide appropriate cleaning plan for different new car types continuously.
*、This model emphasizes on demands of mass car wash and is designed delicately with multiple most advanced international patent technologies.